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I was born in Taranto, Puglia, in southern Italy.

I am a dancer and videographer and I lead workshops of sound and audiovisual creation with different audiences. 

For my body work, I have trained in modern and contemporary dance since my youngest age in Italy, in physical theatre at Cantieri Teatrali Koreja in Lecce, in martial arts; currently I am improving at CFD - Multidisciplinary professional training center for dancers - de Cergy, in Ile de France. 

I lived in Lecce, where I graduated in Italian Theatre Literature with a thesis on the theme of madness in «Le Candelio» by Giordano Bruno; and in Marseille, where I obtained a Master in «image editing and sound» at SATIS (Science, Art and Techniques of image and sound).

For three years I have been managing audiovisual workshops with various audiences: isolated minors; pre-school children (3/ 5 years), migrants learning French as a second language, young adults: these workshops end with the creation of participatory and collaborative pieces.

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Terra Rossa Lab is an International nomadic Mediterranean LAB experience.


Terra Rossa Lab was born with the idea of collaboration with international artists, artists in exile, European artists, local and international humanitarian associations.


The idea is to develop and let the project grow. Our first artists residency program will begin in the Summer 2021 in Palermo, Sicily.


Our open call - Frontier - Fractures - Distances will be a wonderful experience for artists, curators and researchers to work on the human being’s socio-cultural condition in the Mediterranean and in the various European territories, on issue of gender, migration, identity, ecology, frontiers, feminism, body, memory, human geography e territories.








Design Loredana Denicola 2020

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