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Our Mission


​Terra Rossa LAB is an open Forum, on which multiple realities can find an ideal space for exchange and dialogue. The project aims to trigger an interaction and a connection, mainly between Italy and Europe, Europe and the Mediterranean, Africa and southern Europe.


The goal is to develop and grow this project by making sure that curating artists and researchers, coming from heterogeneous backgrounds, can work on the theme of the socio-cultural condition of the human being in the Mediterranean and in different European territories.


Terra Rossa LAB is a nomadic residence sometimes spontaneous for curatorships artists and researchers, a place of international meetings to reside, create, share and weave ties between spatial-experiences dislocated in the Mediterranean.


Terra Rossa LAB’s project will start in 2021 from Palermo, an emblematic city, a place of exchange and conflict, tradition and experimentation.


With our programs, we aim to engage a seemingly broader and more diverse audience. 


Our projects are addressed to:


•  the scientific community,

• local groups and associations that deal with issues related to immigration, abuse, gender struggles.

• local collectives that operate with social and political awareness

• European Universities, foundations and cultural associations

• International organisations


By using accessible places, we will also be able to guarantee access to the disabled public.


For the implementation of its projects, Terra Rossa LAB is looking for funding and donations provided by European institutions, both public and private.





Our Values


Terra Rossa Lab fulcrum  is the reflection on the human condition. Artists, curators and researchers are called to question themselves on issues related to ecology,  social and territorial changes, gender equality and women’s status, fragile categories, diaspora and  all the problems connected to it. 


Our projects will focus on:


  • Creation of individual and collaborative projects, experimenting with new approaches, reaching a new and diverse audience, creating or commissioning new works, working with interlocutors with different experiential backgrounds and nationalities. We want to explore new fields and are curious about  new artistic expression.


Moved by curiosity towards artistic experimentation, particular attention goes to the exploration of new fields. 


Priorities are also the promotion of solidarity and removal of social barriers, all through the support of people weakened by the system: disabled, migrants, marginalized people, LGBTQIAPK community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Polygamous / polyamorous, Kink).


These values ​​turn out to be more significant when connected to the ongoing global context and globalized crisis, that speaks to us of post-traumatic effects, abuses, and the progressive questioning of the most basic human rights. From this perspective, the development of a series of strategies aimed at creating a supportive and collaborative network.


Terra Rossa LAB adhere to:


  • Professionalism


We are committed to continuous arts involvement, embodiment and enhancement of knowledge and skills. We listen to each other sometimes we keep silent, connected and are responsive to artists’ needs.


  • Diversity and Solidality


We value international, cultural and structural differences by respecting collectivity and individuality.


  • Transparency


We believe in the value of clear, accurate and proactive communication between Terra Rossa, our member local and international organisations and visiting artists.



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Terra Rossa Lab is an International nomadic Mediterranean LAB experience.


Terra Rossa Lab was born with the idea of collaboration with international artists, artists in exile, European artists, local and international humanitarian associations.


The idea is to develop and let the project grow. Our first artists residency program will begin in the Summer 2021 in Palermo, Sicily.


Our open call - Frontier - Fractures - Distances will be a wonderful experience for artists, curators and researchers to work on the human being’s socio-cultural condition in the Mediterranean and in the various European territories, on issue of gender, migration, identity, ecology, frontiers, feminism, body, memory, human geography e territories.








Design Loredana Denicola 2020

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