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The International Nomadic Mediterranean Experience



 Open Calls

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Project summer 2021





Artists, curators and researchers are called to give their own interpretation of 








Border’s notion designates an unstable area not limited to its spatial dimension.

It recalls a social “theme” whose concern characterizes some contemporary artistic practices.

Frontier is not only a barrier. It is a permeable space. A place of flow, of passages, of crossings where every desire for lasting homogeneity is regularly jeopardized.

The discontinuous, the fluid, the blocking, the control, the filtering and the closure often want to impose themselves.

Real and imaginary, immutable and fluctuating, intimate and political, borders trace spaces between identity and otherness.

Borders distinguish us as much as they connect us.


This balance is essential in a full flux society, in constant confrontation with its contradictions, doubts and questions.


Therefore we can ask ourselves if individuals still have the possibility of having control over a world whose borders tend to dematerialize without, however, disappearing definitively.


These social changes are accompanied by visible repercussions which, within increasingly vague and tenuous boundaries between political and economic life, public and private spheres, affect the individual with respect to his own identity and the group to which he belongs.

Frontier’s concept is closely connected to the feeling of belonging to a community and more generally to its relationship with the surrounding. The relationship between the notions of subjectivity and borders is significant. In practice, in fact, it is our innermost frontiers that allow us to project ourselves beyond ourselves.


The process of rebuilding a new identity is now underway and for this to continue to take place it is essential to establish a different relationship of the individual with respect to a globalized society. In fact, it is defined definitively as subjected to an economy that tends to deny individual freedoms and dehumanization, a fact that, in practice, creates a profound gap between solidarity and an increasingly ruthless economic demand, bent solely to the laws of the market.

In a purely ‘disposable” conception of reality, the vital need to redefine one’s own identity gives a voice to marginalized individuals, also supporting their dialogue as a mean of transgressing borders. In this sense, therefore, we can think of the border not as a mere obstacle, but as a middle way, not as a place and space of transition, of mediation, but as a door that allows us to capture the truths of existence.


Let’s now move on to fractures.


Significantly polysemantic term, depending on the reference context.

For medicine it is “interruption of the integrity of a bone”.

In geology it indicates the earth that splits, crumbles, moves. Bringing it back to a more strictly humanistic context, fracture is configured as distance and isolation, wound and trauma.

In any case it is causes by an external event that undermines the balance of an organism.

The external event can be of an accidental nature or determined by historical and social events such as war, large migratory movements or by geopolitical factors that influence the fate of entire communities.

Fracture, it was said, is wound, a tangible sign that affects human beings and become a scar, it creeps into people and individual’s memory generating trauma.


Terra Rossa Lab’s interest is aimed, first of all, at documenting fracture-wound’s traces, welcoming its voice, fragility, caressing its cracks.

Then follows an operation of an almost therapeutic nature through which to give shape to the wound, without concealing it, but transfiguring it so that, healing, can be transformed into testimony, cathartic act and why not, a warning.


The third and final issue concerns distances, an extremely sensitive subject.

In fact, in an increasingly evident way, a progressive approach and lengthening of them is observed, with which we intend to create a space of experimentation,  dialogue, question ourselves on common principles and values.


Internet has virtually eliminated any distance between individuals across the globe.

At the same time, however, we are witnessing the opposite phenomenon that sees deaf individualism as the basis of exchanges between the individual and society.

The distancing is all-encompassing, often touching both political and social disengagement as well as human, relational, symbolic ones.

In this overall picture, Terra Rossa Lab, rather than distancing itself, aims to accept them, outline them in order to better understand them and, consequently, enhance them and express their interests and potential.

Through careful and sensitive reflection, Terra Rossa Lab wants to be a propelling space capable of activating a centripetal and centrifugal movement with respect to distant centres.

The means by which to realize our action has been identified mainly in the artistic expression which we intend to create, a space to be able to experiment, dialogue, question ourselves on common principles and values.












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Terra Rossa Lab is an International nomadic Mediterranean LAB experience.


Terra Rossa Lab was born with the idea of collaboration with international artists, artists in exile, European artists, local and international humanitarian associations.


The idea is to develop and let the project grow. Our first artists residency program will begin in the Summer 2021 in Palermo, Sicily.


Our open call - Frontier - Fractures - Distances will be a wonderful experience for artists, curators and researchers to work on the human being’s socio-cultural condition in the Mediterranean and in the various European territories, on issue of gender, migration, identity, ecology, frontiers, feminism, body, memory, human geography e territories.








Design Loredana Denicola 2020

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