Hope Mokded
I was born in 1988 in Gabès, in the South of Tunisia.
I am an artist.
In Terra Rossa artists residency project I will deal with cultural mediation and feminism, the problem of violence and trauma that affects both sides of the Mediterranean.
From young age I got inspired by the beauty of the desert and sea and I learned to draw, paint.
I, also took theatre courses and studied engraving at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Tunis.
In 2011, I obtained a master’s degree in visual arts where I learned to draw, engrave, photograph and paint.
Then, I followed a 3D animation training learning 3D editing techniques and special effects working as 3D graphic designer for a video game box in Tunisia.
In 2015 I decided to change my life. Initially in Strasbourg, where I obtained a master’s degree in visual arts research.
I focused on ‘invisible’ violence issues, defined as accepted societal violence and how, as artist and woman
I can create a trace of this violence in order to make it intelligible. I mainly use two mediums: painting and self-filming.
Finally one of my dream becomes reality, I travelled to Paris.
In recent years, I took part in personal and collective art exhibitions, international film festivals and feminist workshops.
Happily I was able to show my work in Italy (Ispra and Venice) in Brussels , France , Tunisia and Portugal (Lisbon).
Recently I have exhibited at Bozar in Brussels where I have worked with the European Commission as an expert artist in the Resonance 3 festival.
My art practice is the expression of visible and invisible violence against women. Society trivialises violence against women.
It shows indifference both in private and in public, generating even more violence with torture and feminicides, still in our day. Through my paintings and video I express the passivity of our society which neglets the sufefring of women and support the patriarchal system.
Please reach out with questions, comments, or to share ideas via email to terrarossaresidency@gmail.com
Instagram. @hopemokded
Website. hopemokded.com
From the third feminist wave that appears 1980 supported mainly by activists from minority groups (racialized women, lesbians, prostitutes...).
From the various criticisms appears the notion of intersections between various oppressions: sex, class, "race", sexual orientation... The concept of hybridity, of which the third feminist wave is strongly impregnated, was thus developed by women of color like the African-American Bell Hooks , who had to unite sex and race in his analysis of social relations. Like racial identity, gender identity has also been an important driver of this diverse feminism.
Through their experience of a world that is both heterosexual and dominated by men, several lesbian authors have thus brought out an original thought that took into account various levels of oppression.
The queer theory defined essentially by Judith Butler and Eve Sedgwick, proposes an analytical scheme that adds sexual orientation, and its consequence “heteronormativity as a major element of the oppression of women, and of humans as a whole”.
During this feminist wave there was the creation of several performative and militant artistic experiences as a form of confrontation of patriarchal and heteronorm system such as: Faith Wilding, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Ana Mendieta… It is in this vein of intersectional feminism that Terra Rossa wants to bring together women and people who identify as women in a residency of artists, researchers and curators, to create projects that bring together several mediums and fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, gender and art.
We want to explore the themes of immigration, feminism, borders, gender, identity, ecology, memory, body and trauma through different artistic practices: painting, drawing, engraving, sewing, sculpture, photography, video, performance and conferences, workshop.
The idea is to create a space where we can meet and create other representations of what we can be. If the project inspires you, join us at Terra Rossa.